I didn’t write again the other night because we lost power (therefore internet access) on account of the record heat and record electricity usage. It was not a city-wide blackout but I think just certain buildings in Almagro. We got it back later that day and it was good in that it forced me to go to sleep pretty early, which I needed. However, what I was going to write about was the fact that I’ve been surprised about making friends—and I left that deliberately without an adjective/modifier.
Many people came with friends from school and have already formed little groups. Others came because Buenos Aires is a lively, partying city and that’s the experience they’re bonding over. While I’m sureeeeee rationally of course that I’m not the only one, I’m feeling a bit out of place. There are people I like and people I want to get to know better – and, to be honest, plenty of people I don’t – but I’m impatient about the time it takes to really friends and wish I had even just one person immediately at my disposal. I also like three groups of people who haven’t really mixed socially very much yet, but am not really of any of the three groups yet. Sometimes, then, making plans is somewhat intimidating.
Most of all, seeing the way other friendships already are, I wish I had one person with whom I could especially bond and explore with, a go-to hangout sesh target. Usually that one person is all I want. In addition, I am anxious to make actual Argentine friends. Hopefully that will commerce soon.
In other news, I went to see the small carnaval parade downtown today with some of my new friends after a day of exploring on my own. I walked from Almagro up through Palermo Hollywood (shopping) and Palermo Soho (bars and cobblestone streets – gorgeous) to the botanical garden, then down to the Recoleta Cemetery, down Purreyedon and finally down Santa Fe. This is a gorgeous city. Pictures to come.
If I don’t write beforehand, Bariloche this weekend. Pictures most definitely to come.
Shana! I somehow missed that you were going to be studying abroad this semester!! I saw you on Kasey's blog and decided to follow yours as well! I have a friend from WM also in Buenos Aires this semester. You probably will never cross paths, but if you do, her name is Sam Rumsey. I hope everything is going well!!