Saturday, February 14, 2009

getting ready!

I spent today mostly packing. It’s bringing out a side of me that I can’t help but find entertaining. I make lists then, when they get messy, I make new ones. It’s 3 AM and instead of sleeping – the sensible thing to do – I just made a new list of things to do tomorrow. Laundry, visa money, weighing my suitcase… things that demonstrate the neuroses radiating from me. It’s a good kind of fidgety, I think. I made probably a couple of hundred flashcards while marathon watching The Wire for too many episodes, simultaneously nearly completing my goals to finish Season 2 so I can leave it for Mom and to learn as many idioms as possible  that yo evito el sentido del no entender ni papa (to not understand a damn thing). In Spanish, to make a mountain into a molehill is to drown in a glass of water. I think that’s my favorite so far.

Yesterday was really pretty epic and I would be remiss not to share, even though I would rather just save face. I locked myself out of my house, climbed my roof to discover that winter screens meant I couldn’t open any windows, and read Mansfield Park while sprawled across the backseat of the Jeep in our garage until my Edmund Bertram, my mother, could rescue me. It got no less funny after that. Locking myself out of the house might even have been topped by my double-bagged groceries, the offer for which came with quite the wink. How much I felt like Fanny Price in that moment! (And how JA of me to form a sentence like that.)

I think I will be able to achieve my goal of only one suitcase !!!/knock wood/fingers crossed. Si occure, será macanudo.

t-1.75 (after sleep)

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