Sunday, February 8, 2009

a week in review of sorts

I hope to make this, a weekly round-up of my favorite news and commentary, a regular feature to keep myself writing and thinking about politics at home while I'm away. If you're keeping score, anticipate Friday appearances. 
  • McLatchy has a list of what the Senate cut from the stimulus package. I will be revisiting this but just as a preview: $5.8 billion Health Prevention Activity, $1 billion Head Start/Early Start, and $2 billion broadband. 
  • Two great articles on SCOTUS this week, one piggybacking the other. First, Adam Litpak of The Times ponders To Nudge, Shift or Shove the Supreme Court Left” which is summed up beautifully in Litpak’s closer: Mr. Obama’s first Supreme Court nomination will no doubt be an accomplished lawyer whose views are generally to the left of the ideological center. What remains to be seen is what sort of liberal — and what sort of liberalism — he intends to endorse.   Cue justice brennannnnnn / dear justice letter now.) Justice Ginsburg, the Court’s most liberal member, just underwent surgery for pancreatic cancer. It seems President Obama might have a Court nominee sooner than expected, cf Reuters.
  • LOTS OF DRAMA in the upper echelons of the military/diplomatic world. First, Thomas Ricks scoops that it was Gen. Ray Odierna who pushed first for the troop surge. Second, Gen. Anthony Zinni flips a (very very public) shit because he was offered the post of Ambassador to Iraq, then lost it to Chris Hill without being told. Personally, I’m immensely pleased. Hill is a level-headed, results-oriented professional who I am thrilled to have in the service of our country. Most of all, I loved the long-form profile of Dick Holbrooke in the Week in Review. The best line: Many people have personal trainers; Mr. Holbrooke has a personal archivist. Awesome. All three are highly suggested reads.
  • David Plouffe, beer pong champion? The Esquire's profile reveals few campaign secrets or insights on the surface but is still a mighty entertaining read. 
  • OKAY Jonah Goldberg is a hack. I know. But I couldn’t help but agree with the sentiment behind his scathing indictment of Geithner and Daschle in the LA Times. Like the characters he mocks, I do believe that paying taxes is a patriotic duty and appreciate his righteous indignation. Speaking of hacks, Thomas Friedman on nation-building in Gaza stresses a point that I think is positively crucial: state capacity and effective institutions in the territories is essential for peace in the Middle East. (Or, for that matter, anywhere.)
  • Finally, how did I miss that Kanye West, Lil Wayne, (9-mo. pregnant) M.I.A. and Jay-Z performed together tonight? Is this on youtube yet?
T-7 days for BSAS!

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